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abracadabraPDF Forums PDF – Général Activé / Désactivé (Grisé) un bouton selon la valeur d’un champ Répondre à : Activé / Désactivé (Grisé) un bouton selon la valeur d’un champ

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A la base on a :

// Function to enable form fields function
EnableFormField (cFieldName)
// First acquire the field to be enabled
var oFld = this.getField(cFieldName)
// Next acquire the hidden field with the normal colors
var oNmlFld = this.getField(“NormalColorsFld”);
// Make field interactive
oFld.readonly = false;
// Restore Normal Colors
oFld.fillColor = oNmlFld.fillColor; oFld.borderColor = oNmlFld.borderColor; oFld.textColor = oNmlFld.textColor;


// Function to disable form fields function
// First acquire the field to be disabled
var oFld = this.getField(cFieldName)
// Make field Read-Only
oFld.readonly = true;
// Set Grayed out colors
oFld.fillColor = [“G”, 0.75]; oFld.borderColor = [“G”, 2/3]; oFld.textColor = [“G”, 0.5];


Que l’on va transformer ainsi :

// Function to manage form fields function
ManageFormField (cFieldName)

var seuil = this.getField(“CHAMP-SEUIL”).value;
if (seuil > 70)

// First acquire the field to be enabled
var oFld = this.getField(cFieldName)
// Next acquire the hidden field with the normal colors
var oNmlFld = this.getField(“NormalColorsFld”);
// Make field interactive
oFld.readonly = false;
// Restore Normal Colors
oFld.fillColor = oNmlFld.fillColor; oFld.borderColor = oNmlFld.borderColor; oFld.textColor = oNmlFld.textColor;


// First acquire the field to be disabled
var oFld = this.getField(cFieldName)
// Make field Read-Only
oFld.readonly = true;
// Set Grayed out colors
oFld.fillColor = [“G”, 0.75]; oFld.borderColor = [“G”, 2/3]; oFld.textColor = [“G”, 0.5];

