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Extract Highlighted Text in a pdf file and export those text to a other pdf file

abracadabraPDF Forums PDF – Général Extract Highlighted Text in a pdf file and export those text to a other pdf file

  • Créateur
  • #46651
    Rakesh Kumar


    My requirement:

    User highlights the text in the file.
    He selects to run batch script or button Script (whichever is possible)
    all the comments are exported to a different pdf file in the below format:

    -some title-
    Page Number – Highlighted text1
    Page Number – Highlighted text2
    page Number – Highlighted Text n.

    I already have batch script from Mr. Thom Parker which is available on the internet for doing the same but it exports it in xls, format but my requirement is to have it in a pdf format.
    Hope , I can get any help .
    Thanks in advance.

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