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23 juin 2021 à 05:50

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var t1 = this.getField (“Number1”). valueAsString;
var t2 = this.getField (“Number2”). valueAsString;
var t3 = t1 + “/” + t2;
this.getField (“Text1”). value = simplify (t3);
This is one of possibilities, but you can directly write:
this.getField (“Text1”). value = simplify (t1+”/”+t2); // without the t3 variable
or more directly:
this.getField (“Text1”). value = simplify (this.getField (“Number1”). value+”/”+this.getField (“Number1”). value); // without any variable
No need to use valueAsString.
I will be back a bit later to give both of you other ways and to explain the script.
@michel.c: do you quite well speak English ?