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Répondre à : AEM Form (Livecycle Form) Set the value of a repeatable Dropdown to another Drop

abracadabraPDF Forums PDF – Général AEM Form (Livecycle Form) Set the value of a repeatable Dropdown to another Drop Répondre à : AEM Form (Livecycle Form) Set the value of a repeatable Dropdown to another Drop

Rakesh Kumar

I got the solution to my issue on the AEM community  by radzmar and below is the script which solved my issue (incase someone else needs it). To get the context download my form which i shared in my original post.

form1.MSF.SF_Notable.SF1.RB :: enter – (JavaScript, client)  var oRows = Table1.resolveNodes (‘Row2. [Cell1 ne “-Select-“]’), oNode, oItems, i, j, n, cValue; this.clearItems (); for (i = 0; i

  • ’); n = 0;  if (oNode.Cell1.rawValue === “Example Other Member”) { cValue = oNode.Cell2.rawValue; } else { cValue = oNode.Cell1.rawValue; }  for (j = 0; j
  • [/list]